(About) Kora Kimpel (Research) & Design (Projects)
in Digital Media (Teaching) mail@kkimpel.de

Discover Markets / Workshop Care Jack

_Design Methods,_Design Research,_User Experience,_Workshop

With the research project “Discover Markets” a methodology and a model of procedure was developed that allows to integrate the wishes and needs of potential user groups into the development of new technologies and product innovations at a very early stage. The aim was to transfer new technologies into possible markets in a sustainable way through product and service innovations by involving users at an early stage. The pictures here show the ‘Care Jack’ workshop. The workshop simulated typical care work situations with carers. Physical strain and communication with patients were marked on the relevant parts of the body. These were described in detail in a manual. The results were discussed with engineers and incorporated into the development of care exoskeletons.

funded by the BMBF, 2010 – 2013

Research project by Fraunhofer CeRRI

Design consulting, conception of the workshops, method development: Prof. Kora Kimpel

Care-Jack_workbook Care-jack_1s Care-Jack_Workshop-Set Care-Jack_Detail